Monday, 17 December 2012

Flat Plans with Rational

Before taking the photos I wanted I decided to make flat plans for the front cover, contents page and double page spread for my magazine. By doing this I hoped it would help me create a strong idea of what photos I would need to get whilst taking the photos I needed. I already knew what I was making my model wear in the photoshoot, and this helped me create the flat plans.

Front Cover: 
This is my flat plan for the front cover of my magazine.
 I decided to have the image overlap the mast head to give it a more professional feel as this would be seen on a more well known magazine. I added 1 major and 3 minor sell lines to the front cover so the reader would know what would be featured in the magazine and also be attracted to the magazine by what it has to offer. 
The issue number and date is featured in the top right hand corner so the readers can identify if they have the latest issue.
The main image of the artist would be giving the audience a direct mode of address and also have a happy, inviting expression so that the reader can quickly depict what type of genre the magazine and also the artist is. 

Contents page:

This is my flat plan for the contents page of my magazine. 
The main image of the artist appears on the right hand size of the page and is partly cropped out. Again the artist gives a direct mode of address to the audience and has a positive facial expression as well as positive body language. 
The text featured on the page consists of page numbers and short synopsis's of what is featured on that particular page. Nearer the bottom of the page there is a section titled 'Letter from the Editor', this gives the reader information on what the issue is about as a whole and what they can expect to find featured within the magazine. 

Double Page Spread:   
This is my flat plan for the double page spread of my magazine.
The left page is made up entirely of an image of the artist, this is so the page can be cut or torn out and used as a poster. The artist again will have a direct mode of address but the image will be more desirable as this image can be cut out and stuck to the wall. 
So the double page spread isn't image lead to right page will feature a lengthy article, with an interviewer asking questions and the artist answering them. 

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